Fruit in Season - Copie (2)Speaking His Word in Love

An experienced, insightful and inspirational preaching ministry, designed to give churches and mission groups  deeper revelation of God’s Word and purpose.

He said: “Let there be light!”  Hesed final

Telos – Seize your destiny 

“He Said…Tell Us!”

After 35 years of international and local ministry, we have developed a coaching programme designed to strengthen, encourage and empower your relationship with Jesus Christ, as well as lead you into discovering more of your talents and personal vocation in life.

Built around three major axes, our ministry has already benefitted many churches, mission movements and individuals around the world.

1. The three powers Kingdom Triangle™Embrace, Create, DestroyKingdom Triangle 2

A comprehensive, lively and holistic teaching programme available to help churches and organisations increase their passion for Jesus, and enhance their influence in the world.

2 A Fruit in Season – A year of devotional teaching to feed the soul.   Get the e book or paperback on Amazon.


Individuals can also use the books page to discover the teaching. Contact us to develop a more personalised programme of dynamic Bible study or preaching to suit your group’s requirements.

3.Oxygène – Breathe Life


Partertnering with a French Mission Movement, we seek to bring KoinOnia and CredO to France and beyond.

http://www.imoxygene.comRespirez la Vie

We aim to be sensitive to the changing world around us.

You must prophesy again about many peoples, nations, languages and kings.”   Revelation 10:11

Conscious of the changing times we are committed to developing fresh expressions of Church and appropriate contexts for the waiting “11th hour workers”, who represent the emerging young generation and the nations of the Global South.

“For last year’s words belong to last year’s language
     And next year’s words await another voice.”  T.S. Eliot

The team is still developing, and is based essentially around the ministry of Dr Robert REEVE.

If you feel you would like to organise a personally tailored programme for you or your group, please click  here, or follow “Contact” on the menu, and we will get back to you.

Hesed final

All site content copyright He-Sed™ and may not be used without prior permission in writing.

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